Taken 3 Review
PG13: For Intense Sequences of Violence and Action, and Brief Stong Language
20th Century Fox, EuropaCorp
1 hr and 49 Minutes
Cast: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Forest Whitaker, Famke Janssen, Jonny Weston, with Dougray Scott, Sam Spruell
Editor’s Note: This review was originally published during my adolescence. Outdated language and talk might be seen in these old posts. Since then, my thoughts and values have grown. This review is being presented as they were originally written, grammatical errors and typos and all. Because to do otherwise would be that same as claiming this growth has never existed.
BACKSTORY: Wednesday January 7th was the worst premiere day I ever attended to, but was still sort of successful in the end. (Premiere story coming soon).
STORYLINE: Ex-government operative Bryan Mills is accused of a ruthless murder he never committed or witnessed. As he is tracked and pursued, Mills brings out his particular set of skills to find the true killer and clear his name.
REVIEW: As an action film trilogy, Taken is a pretty unnecessary franchise. As a final film, Taken 3 is pretty eh. The film doesn't take itself too seriously and doesn't always go for comedic effect. Pretty much the film is just there, but instead actually relies on logic and some smart subtly. The only huge problem with Taken 3 is that the action scenes are shot so horribly. Every action sequence is literally one shot per second whenever Neeson is kicking ass. What's even worse is that whenever there's an explosion it's repeated more than three times like an instant replay shot in a football game. Though the story is too predictable where everything we saw before in other (and better) action films is presented here anyway. Seriously in the first 8 minutes, you know exactly where the film is going to go. Though it tries to create a plot twist, it's still even predictable.
LAST STATEMENT: Though it isn't exciting as the first, but isn't retarded as the second, Taken 3 is an okay ending to the cash grab action trilogy