'The Little Mermaid' Review: Halle Bailey Carries Live-Action Update that Barely Floats Above Water
While falling short for obvious reasons, this update has enough theatricality and energy to provide solid family entertainment.

'My Father's Dragon' Review: Cartoon Saloon's Latest is a Beautifully Animated Wonder
Even though it’s geared towards a younger audience—more so than their previous projects—this Celtic fable is a gorgeously animated and earnest story.

'Luca' Review
A great slice-of-life that is a love letter to Italy, summer, and the life-long bonds we make during the season.

Doctor Sleep Review
This is like a very long episode of Hill House had a baby with Gerald’s Game… and that baby can astral project.

Good Boys Review
I can’t believe Tremblay’s parents, or any of the other parents, said yes to this

The Predator Review: Campy Thrill Ride That Feels Awfully Familiar For Fox
While all of the earlier installments were badass action movies that were violent, “The Predator” is more… campy.

Wonder Review
I’ve never said “Aww” some many times in a movie this year than this, and never once was it even manipulative.

Shut In Review
Every time the film wants to get you scared it relies on the lowest common dominator ; blares.