Atomic Blonde Review
Can we have Charlize Theron be the poster child for badass women everywhere?

Transformers: The Last Knight Review
Though Michael Bay claimed this to be his shortest Transformers movie, this movie feels like an eternity to sit through.

Patriot's Day Review
What Peter Berg can truly capture (which can be said for now all of his films) is the human spirit. As much as it’s hard to admit this, Patriots Day does, in fact, brings out the true American patriot out of you.

Ratchet and Clank Review
An embarrassment for fans of the game and a bore for families the Ratchet and Clank movie is a disservice for the popular video game franchise which should only be a video game franchise.

10 Cloverfield Lane Review
Though the film suffers from the Cloverfield name and an overkill conclusion, 10 Cloverfield Lane is brilliantly acted, filmed, and overall a genuinely intense cinematic experience.