'Rye Lane' Review: Raine Allen-Miller Provides an Instant Classic with Vibrant Black British Rom-Com
Is this how white people felt when they Love Actually for the first time?

'The Photograph' Review
A solid romance with wide appeal that works as a perfect Valentine’s Day diversion

'Olympic Dreams' Review
An endearing drama that expresses how it’s not just all about winning the gold, but making lasting relationships along the way.

Yesterday Review
🎶Hey Boyle, why is this so meh? Took a bland script, and made it duller 🎶

Them That Follow Review
This is the second time I’ve seen Alice Englert in a feature and honestly she deserves to be in more

Isn't It Romantic Review
There is a timeless touch to the story as well because the cliches it points out are forever in the genre, so the satire and relevancy never gets old.

If Beale Street Could Talk Review | NYFF 2018
Barry Jenkins can do no wrong at this point.

A Star is Born Review: Fourth Time’s The Charm
If you aren’t a “Little Monster” by now, this film will convert you.

Life Itself Review: Theatrical “This is Us”, this is not.
It’s as if Dan Fogelman took the entire trash bin of rejected ideas from his “This is Us” writer’s room and used those unwanted ideas as the basis of this drama.

The Little Stranger Review
For the record, I’d prefer an asshole Domhnall Gleeson than an uninteresting soulless Domhnall Gleeson

Crazy Rich Asians Review
Just like “Black Panther” I walked in expecting a standard genre movie, but the film is fueled with cultural significance and they use it as the primary theme for the narrative.

Dog Days Review
I’m not trying to be cynical but there is no need for this telegraphed family sitcom to be on a big screen.