'America: The Motion Picture' Review
Defiles the history textbook and provides its own f'ed-up retelling of the founding of this f'ed-up nation.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout Review
What Brad Bird reinvented, Christopher McQuarrie maintained and perfected.

Ready Player One Review
It has the “Wakanda effect” where this fictional world has so much imagination and clever ideas flowing like a systematic community that you wish it was real so you could live there (or at least visit)

Star Trek Beyond Review
Right off the bat with the introduction to the film, Justin Lin’s director perception of Star Trek is very similar to JJ Abrams but in a way much better. You see Lin capture what made his last 2 Fast and Furious films great and applied it to this Star Trek film which is (as Vin Diesel famously says) family.

Ice Age: Collision Course Review
By this point, I’m convinced 20th Century Fox doesn’t care for making family films unless it involves them making a quick buck. I swear beyond the 3D glasses I saw an animal laundering money for Fox in the background.