'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' Review: Galactic Farewell Tour for James Gunn's Misfits Skyrockets
Considering its self-contained nature, Gunn personalized this entry with his style, adding to the fun.

The Little Stranger Review
For the record, I’d prefer an asshole Domhnall Gleeson than an uninteresting soulless Domhnall Gleeson

Maze Runner: The Death Cure Review
The action is almost the equivalent to riding a car with a dude pumped on adrenaline. At first, it's exciting, but at a certain point you scream, “Okay I've had enough. I want to get off this ride now.”

Detroit Review
Detroit is one of those films that after viewing it, you would need to go to a bar, get a drink, and think about how fucked up society is.