Pain and Glory Review
I’m loving this recent surge of screenwriters getting self-reflective with their projects, making some of the most poignant and effectively moving pictures of the year.

A Hidden Life Review
While this is exceedingly better than his previous projects by a wide margin, I don’t see the personal need to extend the running time over the two hour and 30 minute mark.

Waves Review
The more projects that director Trey Edward Shults tackles, the more ambitious he gets with his storytelling.

Portrait of a Lady On Fire Review
Fuck “paint me like one of your French girls”. These actual French girls out-did that.

Atlantics Review
I gotta hand it to Diop for perfectly delivering the element of surprise in a type of romance that you don’t really see today.

Lucy in the Sky Review
“Wait. Was this written by a man? Oh shit, it was written by three! No wonder it’s a damn mess.”

The Report Review
What NWA did to the police in a 4-minute song, Burns does to the CIA in 113 minutes through film.

Harriet Review
Now, let's retire the slavery narrative, especially the ones as generically formulaic as this.

Uncut Gems Review
An exhilarating, anxiety-inducting thrill ride bound to stress you out and inject you with a good time.

Jojo Rabbit Review
Just don't drop Jojo’s imaginary Adolf off at Foster’s Home ‘cause that would be awkward.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Review
Marielle Heller is back with a vengeance — as she should be — with anotha one.