Tag: History

Ford v Ferrari Review
For something that moves so fast, I always found race cars to be boring as hell, but boy does Mangold make them exciting.

Mary Queen of Scots Review
Ronan gives yet another extraordinary performance capturing that strength and multi-layered personality.

The Favourite Review | NYFF 2018
“This is the closest thing we’ll ever get to a proper “Alice in Wonderland” adaptation because everyone's mad here.”

Victoria & Abdul Review
This movie might as well should've been called ‘VICTORIA & abdul’ because this movie is primarily Dench’s movie.

Detroit Review
Detroit is one of those films that after viewing it, you would need to go to a bar, get a drink, and think about how fucked up society is.

Dunkirk Review
This is going to be a pretty short review because the lesser you know, the better.

The Exception Review
For the record, if Jai Courtney and Lily James starred in their own little Fifty Shades of Grey, I honestly wouldn’t mind it.

Loving Review
Recently there has been a good amount of film with a similar theme of social injustice. From The Birth of a Nation to even Zootopia these films brought out strong messages of discrimination and racism people face in communities today. But none of these films are as powerful as Jeff Nichols’ Loving.

Ben-Hur Review
Because we’re in 2016, everything that has to be remade has to be given EPIC BLOCKBUSTER SEQUENCES WITH OVERUSE OF CG. That is exactly what this film is, an epic summer blockbuster which is everything it shouldn’t be.
If you're a big fan of the macabre and the absurdist, this one's for you.